Download MSWLogo Software Full Crack

What Is MSWLogo Software?

Download MSWLogo Software – Layer 5 Symbol Computer program could be a programming language based on the Symbol stage. This is often free source programming program that bolsters turtle programming and 3D illustrations. The most work of MSWLogo is to plan charts, factual layouts or illustrations.

Be that as it may, this Symbol computer program is broadly utilized in schools to bolster students’ inventiveness when learning to plan straightforward diversions and applications on the Windows stage. In expansion to a few recognizable programming situations like Scratch, MSWLogo is broadly utilized in instruction, particularly when instructing children to code.

Download MSWLogo Software

Features Included In Mswlogo:

Diverse Communication Capabilities:

  • I/O has the ability to directly control external hardware
  • Directly binds to data ports such as LPT and COM
  • There are serial and parallel ports linked to MIDI devices

Draw Many Pictures:

  • Able to create animated GIF images in many famous Download MSWLogo Software Repack formats such as JPG and PNG
  • Having the ability to draw 3D images in 3-dimensional space allows users to freely create professional photos with a personal impression.

Download MSWLogo Software

Integrates Many Support Tools:

  • The software supports many fonts with many different sizes and utility tools to cut, stretch bitmap, paste and clipboard text..
  • There are many color codes, color resolutions are 1, 4, 8, 16, 24
  • There are many Microsoft windows software, elementary logos that support more than 1024 independent bitmaps,
  • turtle graphic templates.
  • The product is capable of saving and restoring images in BMP format files

Diverse Programming:

  • MSWLogo has the ability to build windows dialog Download MSWLogo Software Full Crack boxes such as notification dialogs, warning features when shutting down any application on windows.
  • Event-driven programming capabilities with objects such as keyboard, mouse and timer
  • There are multimedia devices such as CD controllers, ROMs or WAV audio files, etc.

Link To Download and Install Mswlogo – Turtle Logo Software Grade 5
To Download Mswlogo and Install This Information Technology Software, Please Visit the Link Below!

Download MSW Logo Turtle Programming Software

Install MSWLogo Grade 5
Step 1: As soon as you download the MSWLogo software via the link we provided above, proceed to extract the file.

Step 2: Next, select the drive where MSWLogo is installed.

Download MSWLogo Software

Step 3: You can right-click on the mswlogo65.exe software icon. Then select open to start the file running process.

Download MSWLogo Software

Step 4: At that point a window will show up on the screen to introduce “Welcome to the Install Shield Wizard for Microsoft Windows Symbol”. And you fair got to press Another.

Download MSWLogo Software Repack

Step 5: Continue to click Next again to install the turtle logo program

Download MSWLogo Software Repack

So you have completed 5 steps to install MSWLogo_ turtle logo programming software. It’s very easy, isn’t it?

How To Use Mswlogo Information Technology Software

  • Pensize: Ability to customize line thickness in the software, where we choose the appropriate line thickness..
  • Label Font: Install font and text size
  • Commander font: Set the commander screen font.
  • Pen color: Ability to set pen color
  • Screen color: Shows the screen color when drawing


  • There are similar features to the file menu, but the difference of this software is that the image is in bitmap format.


Ability to zoom in and out with 3 different playing modes

  • Print: Zoom function
  • Out: Minimize function
  • Normal: Normal


  • New: Add a new working file, draw a new image
  • Load: Find and download the drawing file on the MSWLogo application that was previously saved on the computer
  • Save/Save as: Save the image after completing, the shortcut will be Ctrl + S.
  • Edit: Ability to edit image files when necessary
  • Erase: Image deletion feature.
  • Exit: Exit or turn off the program

Refer to the Video: Instructions for Using Mswlogo – Elementary School Programming Information Technology Software

Basic commands are available in MSWLogo:

To be able to move from one point to another depending on the state of the brush, the turtle will leave a path on the way. Here are some basic commands included in the grade 4 turtle logo software, please refer to them.

System Transfer:

  • FORWARD (FD) command

Syntax: FORWARD n (or FD n)
Function: Turtle takes “n” steps

  • BACK command (BK)

Syntax: BACK n (or BK n)
Function: Turtle walks back “n” steps

  • RIGHT command (RT)

Syntax: RIGHT n (or RT n)
Function: Turtle rotates in one direction “n” degrees
LEFT command (LT)

  • Syntax: LEFT n (or LT n)

Function: The turtle rotates to the left one direction “n” degrees

  • SETX command

Syntax: SETXn
Function: Move to coordinates with position n and y

  •  SETY command

Syntax: SETY n
Function: Move to coordinates with positions x and n

  • SETXY command

Syntax: SETXY x y
Function: Move to coordinates with x and y positions

  • SETPOS command

Syntax: SETPOS [x y]
Function: Move to coordinates with x and y positions

  • HOME command

Syntax: HOME
Function: Return to coordinate position 0;0.

Download MSWLogo Software Repack

Color Pen Command:

  • PENUP command (PU)

Syntax: PENUP
Function: Turtles move without leaving a trace

  • PENDOWN command (PD)

Function: With move commands after this command, there will be a trace when moving

  • PENERASE (PE) command

Function: Put down the pen to set the erase mode

  • PENNORMAL command (PPT)

Function: Set the initial state of the brush

  •  SETPENSIDE command

Syntax: SETPENSIDE [n1 n2]
Function: Set the thickness and height of the stroke

  •  SETPENCOLOR command ( SetPC)

Function: Set the red, blue, green color for the brush with values from 0 -> 225.

  • SETFLOODCOLOR command ( SetFC)

Syntax: SetFC [R G B]
Function: Set the background color similar to SetPC but fill it with the Fill command

  • FILL command

Syntax: FILL
Function: Ability to color the background within a closed range.

Download MSWLogo Software Full Crack

Commands For Arcs, Ellipses 0r Circles:

  • ARC command

Syntax: ARC
Function: Drawing a corner arc will be a, radius text will be r. After finishing drawing, the turtle stands in the center.

  • ARC2 command

Syntax: ARC2
Function: Draw a circular arc with angle a and radius r. Wherever you draw, the turtle will follow.

  •  ELLIPSE command

Syntax: ELLIPSE x y
Function: Draw an ELLIPSE shape with 2 parameters, width according to the x axis, height according to the y axis. And the turtle stands at the center.

  • ELLIPSE command 2

Syntax: ELLIPSE x y
Function: Draw an ELLIPSE shape with 2 parameters, width according to the x axis, height according to the y axis. At that time, the turtle runs in an ELLIPSE shape

  • ELLIPSEARC command

Syntax: ELLIPSEARC x’ x y y’
Function: Proceed to draw ELLIPSEARC shape x’ is the arc length, the width will follow the x axis and the height will follow the y axis, y’ lags the angle.

  • ELLIPSEARC2 command

Function: The turtle will run in an arc when drawing

  •  CIRCLE command

Syntax: CIRCLE r
Function: Draw a circle of radius r. Then the turtle stands at the center.

  • CIRCLE2 command

Syntax: CIRCLE2 r
Function: Turtles have the ability to move in circles

Command About Turtle Position:

  • CLEAN command

Syntax: CLEAN
Function: Clear the screen and keep it in place

  • CLEARSCREEN command (CS)

Function: Clear the screen and return to the original position

  • CLEARTEXT command (CT)

Function: Delete all recorded command lines

  • SHOWTURTLE command (ST)

Function: Show turtles

  •  HIDETURTLE command (HT)

Function: Hide turtles

  • POS orders

Syntax: Show POS
Function: Displays the turtle’s current location

  • HOME command

Syntax: HOME
Function: Return to coordinate position 0;0

  • HEADING command

Function: Shows which position the turtle is spinning at

  • SETHEADING command

Syntax: Sebanding
Function: The turtle turns at an angle of n degrees, similar to RT and LT

  • TOWARDS command

Syntax: TOWARDS x y
Function: Turn the turtle’s head in the direction of x y coordinates

  • DISTANCE command

Syntax: DISTANCE x y
Function: Measure distance from current location to x y coordinates

The Command Prints Results And Messages:

  •  PRINT command

Syntax: PR 1+2+3 will result in 6 in the command window
Function: Display notifications, content and results

  •  SHOW command

Syntax: Same as PR
Function: Displays the content and results you want to print

  •  LABEL command

Syntax: LABEL [content]
Function: Display content outside the playground.

So in this article we have also brought you information about MSWLogo programming software, helping you better understand the software and the most common commands commonly used in this elementary logo software.

Good luck!

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By Susan M. Ha

My name is Susan M. Ha. I am a technical writer & copywriter, instructional writer, and business communications specialist. I write content that makes products interesting, competitive, and easy to understand. I have spent 22 years working and writing for publications, corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations. That experience allows me to help executives, entrepreneurs and innovators sell their expertise through compelling and informative articles, case studies, instructions, reports, and more. Professionals seek me out to help build their voices as thought leaders, and organizations use my content to drive employee engagement and improve performance. Writting on Crack software was my wish and 365crack provide me the opportunity to write on free software. This website provide the opportunity free software in the form of crack , keys , keygen and license.

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